My web
site is dedicated to putting information on the web about environmental
issues. I know there are many other sites that are doing the same
and probably much better than I am. But I really don't think too
many sites can be out there to bring attention to these vital issues.
However, I think too much information at once can be overwhelmsing. So I've decided to scatter the hard facts throughout the site with graphics and inspirational text. This is really in the rough draft stages of development, but I hope to create a spectacular website as time passes ... which is ironic in a way, because for so many of this world's creatures time is the enemy. The first topic I am going to tackle is that of endangered species and I am going to start with one of my favorite animals in the world --- The Wolf. The way I plan for this project to work is to put a fact about an environmental topic on the top of each page like this. |
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Wolf Fact: The Gray Wolf was hunted to near extinction during the first half of the 20th Century in the lower 48 states because it was blamed for the loss of livestock. |
I will
also be scattering Endangered Species Alerts on the pages with a link to
a list of endangered or threatened species.
Along with all of this, I have used royalty-free graphics and clipart to create border sets on my pages. They are designed to *frame* information in the center of the page with a 800x600 resolution. These border sets will be identified as created by me: DryadGrove. These pages are my own creation, and I don't mind if you want to grab them. I just ask one thing in return. On the page you use them, please mention something about an important environmental issue and provide a link to an environmental organization web page of your choice. I have a listing of such organizations on these pages if you want to use one of them. That's it. I don't require you link to my page unless of course you think it is a cool place to visit. |
Links to Environmental Websites |